Ullman Speaks About Mandatory Product Listings with Congress

June 16, 2023 | Compliance Investigations & White Collar

On June 7, Marc Ullman met with legislators during the Natural Products Association’s annual fly-in day, in which the association meets with lawmakers and their staff on Capitol Hill. Of particular concern to the group is FDA’s proposal that all dietary supplements be required to be listed with the agency.

A Natural Products Insider article details the industry’s frustrations with the proposed rule and more broadly with FDA. About his time in Washington, Marc noted: “We discussed general issues with FDA lack of effectiveness as a regulator and that the issue stems not from anything wrong with the law, but with an agency lack of will and interest in making use of the tools that’s been given in DSHEA. In particular, we addressed the notion that a mandatory product listing would be a panacea that would cure all of the ills and make FDA’s job so much easier, which is nonsense.”

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